Tuesday 1 October 2013

Advice on making money online: /r/beermoney

There’s a lot of resources out there that will help the WAHM find new ways of making money from home.

To me the subreddit ‘Beer money’ has proven to be one of the most useful ways to find out about casual ways to make money online.

If you’re not familiar with it, Reddit advertises itself as the ‘Front page of the Internet’.

It is basically a social website where users can submit news, pictures and links. I’ve found it can be a great source of news and entertainment (as well as a dreadful time sink!).

Users can vote up or down anything posted on reddit, and leave comments to express their opinion.

Reddit is divided into subreddits, which have a common topic or theme. You can subscribe to those that are about things that interest you.

Beermoney is one of these subreddits. I know, for the WAHM, the title might be a bit off putting. After all, beer isn’t generally very high on a mother’s list of priorities (though I’m quite partial to a pint of a good quality ale myself). The subreddit isn’t really aimed at WAHMs, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use the advice posted there.

Its users are looking for casual ways to make money online. Extremely helpful are the reviews of websites that are posted. The reviews are often incredibly detailed, and will give you a good idea whether or not a website will work for you. The comments from other users will show if the review is genuine or not and provide additional information.

Some people will also post their daily routines, to show others how they make a certain amount of money each day/week/month. You can pick up some food advice from those, even if the whole thing might not work for you.

Finally, users will warn each other of scams, which is obviously very valuable.

International users
As with many resources online, the majority of users seem to be US based, and the reviews and advice don’t always take into account that things might not work elsewhere in the world.

There are a good number of international users as well, however, and it is usually quickly pointed out which schemes will or will not work in other countries.

Reddit with caution
I’ve found a lot of excellent advice on /r/beer money. But as with every social website, although it is moderated, there is no real control over the content. So exercise caution and use common sense. There’s a lot of scams out there preying on those who are trying to make money online, and they can and will pop up anywhere from time to time.

With a bit of care you can learn a lot about making some pocket money on reddit, and you don’t even have to spend it on beer.

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