Sunday 20 October 2013

Writing academic essays for money?

I sometimes get forwarded links from people suggesting that it might be just the thing for me. Often, people refer me to websites that look for authors to write academic essays, grant applications and other assignments.

There's quite a few of these websites around, and I suspect there's quite the market for this sort of work. You'll also find people advertising for this type of thing on the more general freelance websites such as elance and fiverr.

The ethics of doing someone else's homework
Indeed, I am very good at writing academic essays. I've got a lot of experience doing it as a student, and I've always had a knack for it.

Later on in my academic career, I also tutored, so I've seen the other side of the equation as well, and I know what lecturers are looking for.

Most of these essays asked for are at undergraduate level. I could turn them out with very little effort at all.

But I won't do it. While it's tempting, as an academic I have a standard of ethics I won't compromise. If I were to write people's essays, I'd essentially be helping them cheat, and as I've spent my professional career strongly campaigning against that, I will not now facilitate it.

I realise that other people have different ideas about this sort of thing, and if you have no objections to doing someone else's homework, this could be a good way of making an income.

I'd actually love to hear of people who specialise in this type of work. It seems there's huge earning potential in this niche, but also a huge potential to end up in scams. Please don't hesitate to post your experiences in a comment below.

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